Átomo Capital Partners has signed up to the BCSD Portugal Charter of Principles

Átomo Capital Partners subscreve Carta de Princípios do BCSD Portugal

Átomo Capital Partners has subscribed to the BCSD Portugal Charter of Principles, a document that establishes the principles that constitute the guidelines for good business management. The Charter of Principles aims to create a voluntary benchmark adapted to companies of various sizes, in order to encourage the reinforcement of sustainable management practices based on six […]

Átomo Capital Partners: 3 years rethinking energy

átomo capital partners

Átomo Capital Partners has been around for three years. Who are the founders and shareholders of the company and what was behind its creation? Átomo Capital Partners has Portuguese partners, with Pedro Rutkowski as its founding partner who, as you know, has interests and investments in different areas such as real estate, venture capital, tourism, […]